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For how much do you think James Bond car was sold?

By, 2019-08-22

James Bond Car


The old Aston Martin DB5 James Bond was sold last week in an auction for a tremendous fortune!!!


The British car Aston Martin DB5 co-starred in the film "Thunderball" in 1965.


The old car was sold for a crazy amount of $6,385,000 or QAR 23,943,750 at the RM Sotheby’s auction, making it the most expensive Aston Martin DB5 ever.


The price of this car is the hiest because it is one of the two cars that Eon Productions bought for "Thunderball" film. It featurs special tools including a machine gun, bulletproof glass, flying front seat and other exotic specifications.


Is an old James Bond car worth buying at the price of 30 Rolls-Royce cars?


James Bond Car
James Bond Car
James Bond

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