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Will the Magnetic mobile holder in the car affect your phone?

By, 2018-03-21


The magnetic mobile holder has been widely used recently and it has become popular and recommended among its users. This is because it makes it easier for drivers to use their mobile phones while driving. But have you ever thought about the damage that a magnetic mobile holder  could cause to your mobile phone?

The use of a magnetic mobile holder negatively affects the quality of communications while driving, said the German expert Ralph Dykman.



The magnet used in the holder to confirm the mobile phone on it generates a magnetic field that can interfere with the communication network when making calls, resulting in poor communication or interference of call lines.


will internal parts of the phone be affected by the magnetic field?

Magnet does not affect other phone parts such as battery or device applications, but it can affect credit card, public transport tickets or other cards that contain and damage electronic chips.

Dykman, who works for the German Association for Technical Examination at Rainland, said that cards could be damaged when they touch the magnet.


What is the alternative?

Daimman recommends using clamps-based mobile holders .


Now, will you continue using magnetic holders or will you replace it?


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